pexels-photoSo 2017 got of to a great start for commuters. Providing them with a nice little raise in rail fair, Sunday night and Monday morning strike across all of zone one and of course continued chaos on Southern Rail from 2016’s unfinished business.

In short if this is just the begging of the year its gonna be a tough one for commuters, unless of course you decide to change the way you travel.

In an article written by This is MONEY’s Toby Walne he details how project manager Helen Hatch from Putney, South-West London, regularly found that journeys that were supposed to take 40 minutes ended up being an hour long if her train was cancelled, held up or if she missed the first one due to overcrowding. She has now slashed her journey time to Harlesden, North-West London, to under 30 minutes 10 minutes less than the commute used to take if everything went smoothly and to top it off she now saves herself £12 a day.

Helen Hatch-Barnwell of London with her electric bike. ---------------------------------------- ©George Jaworskyj 2015

Helen Hatch with her electric bike.

With fairs raising up to 7% and the threat of continued strikes now is the time to get on an ebike. You can purchase your e-bike on cycle scheme meaning you can get the bike tax free and save up to 42% on it!

In an article written by The Guardians Peter Walker, “London’s mayor, Sadiq Khan, has promised to spend £770m on cycling initiatives over the course of his term”,  he was quoted saying he wants to make riding a bike the “safe and obvious” transport choice for all Londoners.

In that huge budget are proposals for two new cycle superhighways, “routes on which riders are largely separated from motor traffic by kerbs and dedicated traffic lights, the first of which were built under former London Mayor Boris Johnson and have proved hugely popular.” Also included in the plans are more so-called mini-Holland schemes in the suburbs.