saftey blog


It’s official, there’s more folk pedalling on two wheels than ever before! With more and more people taking up their bikes and hitting the road, the market for cycling safety has seen a recent revolution. There has never been a better time to stay safe and still look good on a bike!

Not too long ago safety equipment and protective clothing was seen as uncool. Not anymore, now it’s high fashion, with the new trends and innovative gadgets hitting the market (and social networks!) on a daily basis!

Head Wear


One of the most notorious safety issues is the cycle helmet! Even today it continues to be a contentious subject. Despite the evolution of some very stylish helmets that cater for every taste there are still people prepared to tackle the roads without a helmet. Even after a study revealing that helmets can reduce head injuries by up to 85%, the awkwardness of carrying a helmet when you are off the bike and the infamous helmet hair are significant enough for people to risk heading out without one.

The good news is that the days of choosing between safety or helmet hair are over! This revolutionary protective headgear is designed by the clever people at Hövding. The “helmet” isn’t actually a helmet at all, it’s actually like a trendy scarf or snood. Using sophisticated sensors this hi-tech scarf knows when an accident occurs and immediately inflates covering and protecting the cyclists head.

Check out this video review of the Hövding by review giants Bike Radar


In the UK’s long dark winters, visibility is a key factor when considering safety on your bike. From glow sticks, fireworks to neon light fittings. We all like to have a bit of fun when it comes to illumination and your bike doesn’t have to be any different!  There are a great variety of options to keep you illuminated and stylish!

Who doesn’t want lights that make your bicycle look like a tron bike?! If that’s not exciting I don’t know what is! Revo Lights offer both lighting and sighting in one revolutionary design. Revo Lights offer 360 degrees of illumination, thus maximising your visibility and increasing your safety dramatically.

revolights bike lighting

Until now drivers had no way of knowing when you where going to turn unless you held out your arm! The obvious issue with holding out your arm is the rider’s sense of balance is compromised just before making a turn.

Thanks to the creative minds in the cycling industry, there are numerous gadgets you can pick up to help people see you and know where you are going. Like these Helios handle bars, fitted with rear facing LED lights that act as turn signals. The cars behind you wont have to guess what your next move is! Not to mention the handle bars come with a fitted GPS system allowing you to track your bike (via SMS) from anywhere in the world!

helios bike

Arguably one of the safest ways to get around on two wheels is by e-bike! Power assisted pedalling means you can accelerate faster and easier. This can help cyclists gain more control, manoeuvre with ease and avoid potential hazards in a more controlled manor.

Pedal assist function can change the way you ride for the better! Unlike a traditional cycle on an e-bike losing momentum and having to do a standing start is not a problem. Just a slight push on the pedal and you will be back at cruising speed effortlessly resulting in a safer riding experience.  Our range of e-bikes also include LED lights on front and back and come fully equipped with higher quality components than most regular bikes.

We live in a fascinating time where technology is always evolving.  This technology is not only changing our bicycles but road culture itself. Improving not just road safety but making road safety look good!