Yesterday we attended the House of Lords for an update on the Government’s Cycling Policy which was chaired by Norman Baker MP. This was a very interesting update about the governments plans for the future of cycling in the UK.

We had the opportunity to meet with 91 year old Tommy Godwin (1948 Cycling Olympic medallist and 2012 Olympic Ambassador). He did a very good question and answer session about his cycling experiences over the years. He also took the opportunity to have a good look at the Volt™ Electric Bikes which he was very impressed with. He even got on the Volt Savile.

Tommy Godwin on the Volt Savile

Tommy Godwin on the Volt Savile

We then cycled from the Transport Museum down to the Houses of Parliament  with the assembled MP’s and Lords.

Several MP’s rode the Volt Electric Bikes during the three mile ride and were all  were very impressed with them. Jason McCartney MP for Colne Valley even posted a picture with the volt Pulse on his website

Jason McCartney MP for Colne Valley outside the House of Lords with the Volt Pulse

Jason McCartney MP for Colne Valley outside the House of Lords with the Volt Pulse