History of the Electric Bike

Electric bikes have become hugely popular since re-emerging all around the world around 20 years ago, but what many people don’t realise is that the history of the electric bike can be traced back 120 years. The first patents for electric powered bicycles were requested at the end of the 19th century, including one from Ogden Bolton Jr, who had one issued in 1895 for his cycling machine which included a ‘direct current hub motor mounted in the rear wheel.’…

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Ebikes – the Perfect Form of Transport

With the use of electric bikes growing every year all around the world, In London new questions and debates are arising not over the bikes themselves, but surrounding the mentality towards cycling on our roads and the infrastructure to support them, which many believe is lacking far behind other cities such as Amsterdam and Copenhagen where ebikes have become a fully accepted mode of transport. Ebikes Are The Perfect City Transport Often people are stuck between choosing a car or…

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Are Electric Bikes Reducing Car Sales?

Recent data compiled by the European Cycling Federation (ECF) has shown that between 2010 and 2011 there was a 22% increase in the sale of electric bikes in Europe whilst there was a 2% fall in car sales during the same year. This has led many to speculate that electric bikes are starting to eat away at car sales, as the number has continued to fall in the years since, with a further decline of 8% during 2012 alone. Electric…

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Benefits of an Electric Folding Bike

Finding a simple, quick and inexpensive way of getting across the city is something many daily commuters dream of. With the rush hour gridlock occurring on every journey, driving is usually frustrating and getting the train can also be a painful, especially when ticket prices are continuing to rise. Of course some people ride their regular bikes every day, but many are put off by the effort that requires combined with the thought of turning up to work too hot…

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Electric Mountain Bike Buying Guide

Electric bikes are quickly becoming more and more popular as new people realise the benefits they can bring to them. There are now various different styles of electric bike, just as there are normal bikes, with a design suitable for every type of rider. A Guide To Electric Mountain Bikes There are small city bikes which are made for short commuting including folding models which you can take on public transport, unisex models that have a Dutch style frame which…

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Why Ride An Electric Bike In London?

There are a number of different ways to get from A to B in London. When it comes to navigating the city’s busy streets, however, an electric bike is one of the best transport options available. Advantages Of Riding An Electric Bike In London Here are just a few reasons to travel around London by electric bike: Navigating the Terrain is Easier- London is home to some steep hills, particularly in the north and south of the city. Areas like…

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Electric Bikes Can Help You Stay In Shape

A common new year’s resolution is to improve personal health through more regular exercise, but actually finding the time and willpower to go to the gym or get up for an early morning jog can be tricky. However, by riding an electric bike, you can get the exercise you need to stay in shape during normal daily activities. The Health Benefits Of Riding Electric Bikes Using electric bikes can have a significant impact on your health, and staying active through…

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SkyCycle Concept Is A Cyclist’s Dream

New plans have been put forward aimed at tackling London’s congestion problem which could transform the future of city cycling. Sir Norman Foster, the architect who designed the Gherkin tower, has unveiled his project named SkyCycle, which is a network of elevated bike paths built above the capitals railway lines that would allow people to zip across the city blissfully liberated from the roads below. Could this start a revolution for electric bicycles? Potential New Cycle Paths Over London Train…

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Copenhagen Introduces Smart Electric Bicycles

The city of Copenhagen is having its shared co-operated bikes replaced with motor-assisted electric bicycles, which feature their own touch-screen instrument panels. The bikes were beta-tested last September and October, and have motors that provide up to 450 watts of power and can be recharged at dozens of docking ports across the city. Copenhagen’s New High-Tech Electric Bicycles The new electric bicycles have tablet computers installed between the handlebars, which allow users to book and pay for the bikes and…

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Top Tips For Electric Bicycle Riding In Winter

In these chilly winter months, cyclists will be feeling the bite of the cold during the daily commute. However, you don’t have to pack away your electric bicycle and take to public transport to stay warm! Staying Safe And Warm In Winter On Your Electric Bicycle Here are a few tips for when you’re riding your electric bicycle in winter: Wear Plenty Of Layers The winter wind can really tear into you when you are out cycling, so make sure…

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